So Liz and I (or David and I, from the other perspective) got married this past Saturday, April 11th, 2009. We decided to set up a blog so that lots of people, including those who do not use facebook or whatever, can see some of our wedding pictures. There will probably be a few posts on this, as there are a number of pictures, some rather large. These first ones were taken by David's/my aunt Tresa from Lindon, Utah. She does some wedding photography as a hobby, and so she did many of our pictures for free, so we're pretty thankful for that. They're not in some kind of reverse order, and this isn't all of them, as it takes awhile to upload, and I'm not used to doing that. Whatever. Okay, enough talking and on to the pictures.
The traditional Jacobs family wedding picture with siblings holding up the one getting married. Only one of Liz's siblings was available, so David's brothers Ben and Jimmy helped Cara out a bit.